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RLC Devotionals
"Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it's a rebirth of the spirit."
The leaves on the trees. The singing of the birds. The birth of new animals in nature. The growing of fresh grass. Rebirth of a new season. It can feel like a new life beginning. Just like nature has its seasons and new beginnings, we as children of God can have a new life in Jesus. Knowing Jesus saved us because of His mercy and not because we deserved it shows us His love for us. Forgiveness of sins and a new life through the Holy Spirit! Start a rebirth of life today through Jesus. Call out to Him. You won't be disappointed!
Titus 3:5 (NLT)
He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.